Thursday, September 8, 2011

Plays, Spelling Bees, & Volleyball... OH MY!

Wow! It has been a long time since I have updated this blog. Camryn has had many accomplishments in the battle against her selective mutism since I last wrote. I wish I had been more diligent in posting them in a timely manner.

One such accomplishment was her participation in a school musical last school year. She was the "white stag" in a presentation of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. As part of her role, she had to do a 22-measure dance, solo, all by herself!!! She did it, and I was so proud.

Another accomplishment came about the same time last year. She qualified for the Washington County Spelling Bee and participated along with close to 40 other students in the county. She had to walk up to the microphone, state her name, school, and parents' names, along with the word she was given to spell. She got out in the second round only because she spoke the spelling of the word too quietly and was asked to repeat it. When she repeated it, she changed the spelling, thinking that she had spelled it wrong the first time. We didn't care, though. I've never seen her so anxious as she was before the spelling bee, so the fact that she DID IT, thrilled us!

Now, fast forward to this school year... Camryn is on the Junior High Volleyball team. While she doesn't have to talk much (except to call out, "Mine," or "Got it!"), she does have to "perform" in front of an audience. This alone is quite an accomplishment for her. She is quite serious about volleyball and begs us to practice with her every night after her homework is done.

Thanks again to all of you who keep Camryn in your prayers! Please continue to do so!

For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen. Romans 11:36

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Day in History!

Veteran's Day, November 11, 2009 will go down as a day in history in Camryn's life. She participated in her school's Veteran's Day program... really participated! She had seven short speaking lines that she memorized and spoke (loud and clearly, I might add) into the microphone. She sang, she moved around the stage, and did most of the motions. It was an incredible experience that I will never forget! She has come so far! Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

So Long, S.M.!

Camryn is continuing to blossom at BCA. I was in her classroom yesterday, and she read a sentence out loud and answered questions on what part was the subject, verb, etc. Her voice was very, very soft, but loud enough for her teacher to hear her.

A couple of weeks ago, Camryn wanted to invite a friend to spend the night. She called her mom's cell phone and talked to her for a couple of minutes about the sleepover. When she got off the phone, I commended her for her speaking to someone she doesn't know on the phone. Her response... "Mommy, it's not a big deal. I don't have S.M. anymore!" God is so amazing!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

First Two Days of New School

Wow! It's only been two days at BCA, and our family is feeling SO BLESSED!!! Camryn is freely speaking to the other children in her class, even her teacher, PLUS... here's the biggie... SHE READ OUT LOUD IN FRONT OF HER CLASS (and more than once yesterday!!!) WOO HOO! PRAISE THE LORD!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009


Recently, we made the decision to enroll Camryn in a private Christian school. It was difficult for us to imagine her thriving in the middle school environment where three elementary schools merge into one and where she would be taught by four teachers.

In her new school, she will have a total of nine students in her class and one teacher. We have also decided to enroll her in fourth grade at the new school. She will be repeating fourth, but we felt that this was the best decision based on her maturity level (social, physical, and academic). Besides, it will be a whole new curriculum, so it's not like she'll be re-learning all the same material.

There is a strict dress code at BCA, one in which Camryn will have to grow accustomed to. Camryn is very creative and trendy with her clothing. It's part of who she is. Plus, she's all about comfort. This goes along with Sensory Processing Disorder where any kind of tight or fitting clothing, itchy tags, etc. are problemsome. Socks are a problem as the seam always bothers her. (I'm gonna search for some seamless socks for her). But, for me, these new clothes are a mother's dream! Khaki skorts, polo shirts, plaid jumpers, and preppy shoes! I love it!!!

Please continue to pray for Camryn as she begins a new chapter in her life!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Currently off the Paxil

Camryn is now off Paxil. I decided to see what would happen if she stopped taking it. So right around the beginning of our Christmas break, I stopped giving it to her. Other than some non-S.M. anxiousness, she hasn't been any less talkative with her friends. I've noticed some general anxiety, such as her being a little more cautious than usual (she's overly conscious already). This is what it might look like: We're in a parking lot, and a car heads towards us. Camryn might pull on me to quickly get out of the way even when I'm very full aware that a car is coming towards us. Or, she worries that something close to the edge of a table might fall off. Stuff like that, which I can totally live with vs. her not having any kind of social life outside of her own home. I will probably request that she begin on it again around the beginning of August since she will be starting Middle School next year (new building, new teachers, more teachers, more transitions, new students, etc.). I'll keep you posted. Thanks again for caring about Camryn!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2008 Reflections

Camryn had a great Christmas. She must've been on Santa's "very nice" list! She's progressed so much over 2008. Except for talking to teachers, she's totally herself at school. She just seems to have a mind-block against talking to teachers. The odd thing, though, is that she will talk sometimes to substitute teachers... crazy! I think it must have something to do with her perceived expectation to talk to her teachers (from them and me, too, I'm sure). As we've been off for Christmas vacation, it seems that every store we go to, the cashier will ask her if she had a good Christmas. Mostly, she will do nothing, so of course, I answer for her. But, sometimes if I prompt her, she will slightly nod her head yes. Still a big step for her. Around family from both sides, she was pretty comfortable with everyone hearing her voice. Around my brother and his family (two of which are children), she talked freely. Of course, she's still never directly talked to my brother, but freely lets him hear her voice. Around Gary's mom's family, again there were children there, so she was freely talking. However, again, she wouldn't talk directly to an adult other than MiMi or Opa. She would communicate non-verbally to most people, though. With Gary's dad, however, there were no children there, so she stayed pretty quiet. So... just a little reflection/update for you. Thanks for loving and caring for Camryn. Hope you have a blessed new year!